Lancashire and South Cumbria
4 Central nervous system
04-06 5HT3 antagonists


Tablets 4mg, 8mg
Liquid 4mg/5mL
Injection 4mg/2mL, 8mg/4mL

Nausea & vomiting post operatively or chemotherapy induced.

Link  MHRA: Ondansetron for intravenous use: dose-dependent QT interval prolongation
Link  MHRA: Ondansetron: small increased risk of oral clefts following use in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy
Link  NICE: Management of vomiting in children and young people with gastroenteritis: ondansetron

Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF

Tablets 1mg
Injection 1mg/1ml, 3mg/3ml

Nausea & vomiting post operatively or chemotherapy induced.
Second line 5HT3 anatagonist.

Red View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF

Second line for hyperemesis (unlicensed indication) in line with RCOG guidance.
Consultant initiation only.

Link  MHRA: Ondansetron for intravenous use: dose-dependent QT interval prolongation
Link  MHRA: Ondansetron: small increased risk of oral clefts following use in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy
Link  RCOG: The Management of Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Green-top Guideline No.69)

Amber 0 View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF