netFormulary NHS
Lancashire and South Cumbria
 Formulary Chapter 9: Nutrition and blood - Full Section

This chapter of the formulary is under continual development, please let the team know if you have any comments about the contents:

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Numbers in brackets indicate counts of (Formulary items, Non Formulary items)
09.01.01 Iron-deficiency anaemias (1,0) Oral iron (4,6)
spacespace Iron and folic acid (1,3)
spacespace Compound iron preparations (0,2) Parenteral iron (3,3)
09.01.02 Drugs used in megaloblastic anaemias (3,0)
09.01.03 Drugs used in hypoplastic, haemolytic, and renal anaemias (5,4)
spacespace Erythropoietin (2,3)
spacespace Iron overload (3,1)
09.01.04 Drugs used in autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (8,0)
09.01.05 G6PD deficiency (0,0)
09.01.06 Drugs used in neutropenia (2,4)
09.01.07 Drugs used to mobilise stem cells (0,1)
09.02 Fluids and electrolytes (0,0)
09.02.01 Oral preparations for fluid and electrolyte imbalance (0,0) Oral potassium (3,1)
spacespace Potassium removal (3,1) Oral sodium and water (1,1)
spacespace Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) (1,0) Oral bicarbonate (1,2)
09.02.02 Parenteral preparations for fluid and electrolyte imbalance (0,0) Electrolytes and water (0,0)
spacespace Intravenous sodium (2,1)
spacespace Intravenous glucose (1,0)
spacespace Intravenous potassium (4,2)
spacespace Bicarbonate and lactate (2,1)
spacespace Water (1,1) Plasma and plasma substitutes (1,1)
spacespace Plasma substitutes (3,16)
09.03 Intravenous nutrition (1,11)
spacespace Supplementary preparations (0,0)
09.04 Oral nutrition (0,0)
09.04.01 Foods for special diets (0,2)
09.04.02 Enteral nutrition (0,0)
09.05 Minerals (0,0)
09.05.01 Calcium and magnesium (0,0) Calcium supplements (4,5) Hypercalcaemia and hypercalciuria (2,1) Magnesium (4,3)
09.05.02 Phosphorus (0,0) Phosphate supplements (3,1) Phosphate-binding agents (6,10)
09.05.03 Fluoride (1,9)
09.05.04 Zinc (1,0)
09.05.05 Selenium (0,1)
09.06 Vitamins (1,0)
09.06.01 Vitamin A (0,5)
09.06.02 Vitamin B group (3,2)
spacespace Oral vitamin B complex preparations (2,2)
spacespace Other compounds (0,0)
09.06.03 Vitamin C (1,0)
09.06.04 Vitamin D (6,16)
spacespace Vitamin D with Calcium (0,0)
09.06.05 Vitamin E (1,1)
09.06.06 Vitamin K (2,2)
09.06.07 Multivitamin preparations (4,6)
spacespace Vitamin and mineral supplements and adjuncts to synthetic diets (2,0)
09.07 Bitters and tonics (0,4)
09.08 Metabolic disorders (1,0)
09.08.01 Drugs used in metabolic disorders (5,4)
spacespace Wilsons disease (1,2)
spacespace Carnitine deficiency (1,0)
spacespace Fabry's disease (0,2)
spacespace Gaucher's disease (0,2)
spacespace Mucopolysaccharidosis I (0,1)
spacespace Pompe disease (0,1)
spacespace Nephropathic cystinosis (0,2)
spacespace Urea cycle disorders (0,4)
09.08.02 Acute porphyrias (0,1)
spacespace Drugs unsafe for use in acute porphyrias (0,0)