netFormulary NHS
Lancashire and South Cumbria

Looking for Eltrombopag found 4 matches

Open monograph to display formulary status BNF Category
  Eltrombopag  (Revolade®) Nutrition and blood - Drugs used in autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura - 09.01.04

Linkslink in drug section Link to Drug Section link in subsection Link to document
link in drug section MHRA: Eltrombopag (Revolade): reports of interference with bilirubin and creatinine test results (09.01.04)
link in drug section NICE TA293: Eltrombopag for treating chronic immune thrombocytopenia (09.01.04)
link in drug section NICE TA382: Eltrombopag for treating severe aplastic anaemia refractory to immunosuppressive therapy (terminated appraisal) (09.01.04)

