netFormulary NHS
Lancashire and South Cumbria

Looking for Hydrocortisone butyrate 01 found 0 matches, a search for alternative matches has been performed and any results found are shown below.

Possible Matches... BNF Category
Hydrocortisone  (Corlan®) - Formulary Drugs for oral ulceration and inflammation 12.03.01
Hydrocortisone  (Alkindi®) - Formulary Glucocorticoid therapy 06.03.02
Hydrocortisone 1%  (potency = mild) - Formulary Topical corticosteroids. 13.04
Hydrocortisone MR capsules  (Efmody) - Formulary Glucocorticoid therapy 06.03.02
Hydrocortisone MR   (Plenadren) - Formulary Glucocorticoid therapy 06.03.02
Hydrocortisone tablets  - Formulary Glucocorticoid therapy 06.03.02
Hydrogen Peroxide  - Formulary Mouthwashes, gargles, and dentifrices 12.03.04
Hydrogen Peroxide 1%  (Crystacide®) - Formulary Oxidisers, and dyes 13.11.06
Hydroxocobalamin  - Formulary Drugs used in megaloblastic anaemias 09.01.02
Hydroxychloroquine  - Formulary Antimalarials 10.01.03
Hydroxyzine hydrochloride  - Formulary Sedating antihistamines 03.04.01